Konsensya ng Bayan lays out ‘Five KAPP Demands’

Students from the College of Social Sciences and Philosophy (CSSP) launched a signature drive for the Five Konsensya ng Bayan Demands (Five KAPP Demands) to amplify their resounding calls for state accountability and the promotion of safe and inclusive education amid the deteriorating situation of the Philippines.

The education sector is among those that suffered greatly from Duterte’s futile pandemic response. Moreover, the state has consistently weaponized education as a means to propagate its black propaganda against government critics and University of the Philippines (UP) students.

Additionally, due to strict health protocols, schools cannot facilitate the usual face-to-face learning set-up. With educational institutions insisting that “education must not stop”, students and faculty are forced to shift to an ill-equipped remote learning setup.

The CSSP Students therefore calls on the CSSP administration to amplify the voices of the masses and support the Five KAPP Demands:

1. Pressure the BOR to pass pro-student policies

In spite of various petitions to suspend synchronous and asynchronous classes on April 6-11 as National Capital Region (NCR) Plus remains under Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ), the UP Administration chose to pass the burden to the faculties. Instead of listening to the plea of their constituents, the UP Admin only reiterated that they have already reminded the faculties to become more lenient.

The CSSP Students are now urging the UP Board of Regents (BOR) to have a better sense of urgency and to promote pro-student policies such as “No Fail Policy” and to ensure that no student is left behind.

A petition for Academic Ease initiated by Rise for Education Alliance — UP Diliman (R4E UPD) has already collected more than 11, 100 signatures as of April 6, 6:00pm. 

2. Institutionalize the removal of strict deadlines and lighten the students’ academic workload 

The online learning setup has been taxing for both the students and faculties thus, the CSSP constituency demands that stringent deadlines be removed to continually uphold the calls for #AcademicEase.

3.  Advance the campaign for Ligtas na Balik-Eskwela

Along with the campaign for Ligtas na Balik-Eskwela, the drive also aims in insisting on students’ right to safely conduct their fieldwork and  graduation rites for graduating students and alumni. 

4. Support the re-channeling of military funds to the education sector

The shift to online learning has further aggravated the long-existing issue of insufficient funding in the educational sector. As Duterte continues to focus on militarized solutions characterized by state-sponsored arrests and killings of the masses, state-funded institutions such as the National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (NTF-ELCAC) who is known for numerous red-tagging issues is still allocated a large portion of taxpayers’ money.

Re-channeling military funds to the education sector would allow fundings for mental health services, implementation of student financial assistance programs. and in employing more instructors. The signature drive also aims in holding the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) accountable for defunding campus press.

5.  Hold the Duterte regime accountable for its attacks against the CSSP community

Amid the onslaught of COVID-19, Duterte administration’s blatant attacks on the Filipino masses, especially towards progressive groups and individuals still persist. The Five KAPP demands for institutional support to all Konsensya ng Bayan who have been relentlessly harassed by state forces, which count the intimidation experienced by Psychology major and University Student Council (USC) chairperson Froilan Cariaga, as well as the several red-baiting attacks on CSSP’s official student publication, SINAG. This also calls for the promotion of solidarity in demanding accountability towards Duterte’s fascist regime.

The students of CSSP remain steadfast in fighting for Ligtas na Balik-Eskwela and in upholding democratic spaces online and on ground. Last Monday, April 5, the League of Filipino Students (LFS -CSSP) spearheaded an online mobilization, alongside several organizations and core groups in CSSP, in condemnation of Duterte’s criminal negligence. The Five KAPP Demands were also presented during the online protest to urge the CSSP Administration to stand in solidarity with the Konsensya ng Bayan.

Sara plays it coy. But we’ve seen this film before.

Huwad ang kalayaan sa ilalim ng imperyalismo

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