Htar Htet Htet: From pageantry to revolutionary

Former Miss Grand International Myanmar Htar Htet Htet has decided to take up arms against the Myanmar Armed Forces that toppled the country’s nascent democratic government through a coup last February.

In justifying her action, the former beauty queen quoted Che Guevara on Twitter: “The revolution is not an apple that only falls when it is ripe. You have to make it fall.”
Htar proceeded to attach photos of herself in the jungles of Myanmar with a rifle slung across her shoulder.

In the Philippines, Htar reminds of the story of Maita Gomez, a scholar, activist, and former Miss Philippines-World who chose to join the underground movement aiming to overthrow the US-Marcos dictatorship.

Gomez went on to fight for the liberation of women in the country and co-founded democratic alliance GABRIELA.

Featured Image courtesy of Htar Htet Htet.

‘Fight and make Duterte pay for national treachery’ — CPP

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