CHED’s flexible learning policy questioned as groups push for #LigtasNaBalikEskwela

UP Diliman Political Science professor Jan Robert Go tweeted his criticism of CHED Commissioner Popoy de Vera’s pronouncement that flexible learning was adopted as an official policy starting 2021 and beyond.

Go questioned if the Commission on Higher Education has done any “comprehensive study that evaluates the current situation.”

He said that official policies should be backed by data. De Vera, after receiving public backlash, did not provide any supporting data but antagonized critics saying they do not know the meaning of flexible learning.

Go suggested looking at why the CHED wants to normalize flexible learning when other countries who were able to curb their cases “already returned to face to face classes.”

He asked if there are any parties who will benefit from the normalization. Go said that without data, CHED’s pronouncement is just an “attempt at media mileage.”

Various student and teacher groups also slammed de Vera for his remarks. They challenge the Duterte government to ensure the safe reopening of schools by addressing the economic and health crisis and funding more into basic social services.

In a press release, National Union of Students of the Philippines President Jandeil Roperos said that Duterte and CHED risk students’ well-being because of its “sluggish pandemic and education response.”

The Kabataan Party-list tried to propose measures to be included in the P401-billion Bayanihan 3 attempting to provide P25-billion financial aid for students, teachers, and moratorium of tuition and other fees increase and interest on student loans.

However, the bill sponsors rejected the Kabataan’s proposals while retaining the P54.6-billion insertion for the pension and gratuity fund of uniformed personnel.

UP formations such as the Office of the Student Regent, Kasama sa UP, and various UP System Rise for Education Alliance challenged Duterte and CHED: “listen to the demands of the student body! Comprehensively plan and implement the gradual and safe reopening of schools. Be one with the students in holding the current administration accountable.”

On June 2 morning, the UP community and its sectors will be holding a protest action during the Board of Regents meeting where de Vera sits as co-Chair.

K-12 is a failure. It is high time to junk it.

UP Communities launch fair to unite for socio-economic needs

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