Pambansang Kamao: Where Do We Draw the Line?

A highly decorated world boxing champion, Manny Pacquiao has since earned himself the title of “Pambansang Kamao,” placing the Philippines on the boxing world stage and significantly increasing his net worth to over 40 million USD to boot. 

One can only wonder why such an accomplished name in his field would want to foray into the “dirty and corrupt” world of politics. Does he really have the heart to serve the poor because he once was?

In 2016, Pacquiao won a seat in the Philippine Senate. Years prior, Manny had held a seat in congress as a representative of Sarangani at the same time that his wife served as Saragani’s vice-governor. 

After his various stints in Congress, Pacquiao’s most notable “achievement” remains being a “top absentee lawmaker” with one of the fewest bills filed. With this kind of track record, many have pointed out that name ID and his boxing record are what is keeping Pacquiao in government instead of his legislative achievements. 

Throughout his time in the senate, Pacquiao has notably supported the Duterte regime. He once backed the unjust imprisonment of Senator Leila de Lima and defended the failed, brutal, and disastrous War on Drugs. The Duterte administration’s bloody ploy  targeted low-income households and claimed the lives of innocent people, such as Kian de los Santos, a 17-year-old student.

Pacquiao is also a staunch advocate of the death penalty and has continued to lobby for its return. Moreover, he has aided in the stifling of the SOGIE Bill’s passage into law that will protect the rights of the LGBT+ community, of all people, and disallows discrimination of any form. 

He has also openly declared his opposition to the Divorce Bill, which allows for the termination of marriage even if only one party signs, a key feature that will provide safety for individuals in abusive relationships. The Bill also covers the division of assets, alimony, and the custody, protection, and support of children.

Only recently has the “Pambansang Kamao” been speaking out against the administration’s lack of defense of Philippine territory and corruption. So, how come we didn’t hear anything from Senator Pacquiao when the government spent millions on the dolomite beach instead of COVID test kits and vaccine procurement? Why didn’t he speak out against the unjust treatment of our healthcare workers and the mismanagement of COVID funds? Why did he not speak out against this government’s misplaced priorities?

It is reasonable to question his intentions for this sudden “jump ship”, especially with the 2022 elections nearing and with his rumored presidential run. This comes even after Pacquiao has overtly been a stark defender of the Duterte regime and its anti-people policies. And let’s not forget Pacquiao’s own P3 billion tax evasion case that was only lifted by the Court of Tax Appeals in 2018, six years after its initial filing, and two  years after he won a Senate seat under the current administration.

All throughout his time in politics, Pacquiao has continued his boxing career, recently facing a devastating loss against Cuba’s Ugas. The blow, however, was lessened due to the victories of Filipino boxing athletes Nesthy Petecio, Eumir Marcial, and Carlo Paalam in the recently concluded Tokyo 2020 Olympics.

Pacquiao’s match with Ugas was the subject of much public scrutiny, as it seemed ill-fitting, inconsiderate, and utterly nonsensical for an incumbent senator to shirk his legislative responsibilities, during a pandemic no less, to try and save his reputation. This incident does not only underline Pacquiao’s ego, but it highlights WHO and WHAT he puts first. As someone who has represented the country in the international arena, one would think that this government official would know how to prioritize the nation and its people’s welfare. 

This begs the question: Should the “Pambansang Kamao” title still be applied outside 

the world of boxing? Where do we draw the line? Is the Pambansang Kamao ng boxing as much of a Pambansang Kamao para sa taong Pilipino?

It is one thing to raise a fist in the international boxing arena and another to raise it in solidarity with the Filipino people. While not mutually exclusive, to conflate the two is a dangerous game to play. 

It is not enough to simply raise hands in the ring alone. One must also raise a fist – with integrity and sincerity – in the name of all the Filipinos who struggled and continue to struggle under corrupt power and this regime. This act is not limited to known names and faces.

This coming 2022 elections is our chance to raise our fists against the injustice that this administration, its puppets, and its cronies, have brought against us. The atrocities of this administration have brought the country to its knees. 

The deaths of innocent individuals caused by extrajudicial killings, a broken down and overwhelmed healthcare system, mismanaged funds as seen in the dolomite fiasco, an economic recession, education and healthcare budget cuts, media shutdowns, the loss of our islands and seas, and the increasing number of COVID-19 cases have set the Philippines years back. 

It is high time we elect officials based on their competencies and skills needed to fulfill the post instead of fame. Otherwise, generations upon generations will continue to suffer at the hands of self-serving individuals who disguise themselves as “public servants”. 

Unfortunately, titles do not always translate well outside the field in which they are used. More importantly, titles mean nothing when actions show otherwise. 

Featured image courtesy of Leanne Jazul / Rappler.

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