CSSP FSTC bets to prioritize student welfare, ligtas balik-eskwela

Independent, Abante KAPP, and SangKAPP candidates for the 2022–2023 College of Social Sciences (CSSP) Freshie, Shiftie, and Transferee Council (FSTC) presented their stances and plans of action in the Miting De Avance last October 3, Monday. 

Voting period for the CSSP FSTC election started yesterday, October 4, and will end tomorrow, October 6, while results are expected to be announced on Monday, October 9.

LOOK: http://bitly.ws/uYDa 

Department Reps to ensure welfare of FSTs

Among the candidates for department representatives (dept rep), four are from the Abante KAPP slate, four are from the SangKAPP slate, and two are independent.

Anthro: Independent Natalie Francesca Galle Fulgar runs as the sole Anthropology rep. She suggested “Ask me Anthro,” to clarify the scope of the discipline; a directory of references, including guides to campus, CRS, among others; “Antourpology,” that would tour Anthropology FSTs on the ground and online to campus; and “Anthropa,” for socialization and peer support.

Geog:Independent Amilov Geoff Malabanan from Abante KAPP is the sole candidate for Geography rep. Geoff proposed a week-long “Geog Kakabog” event which will consist of a series of conferences, contests, social media games, and quiz bees that will elaborate on geography as a discipline and its significance. Since most programs are conducted online, he said that the activities will be interactive and inclusive.

Asked about cultivating community-building with Pook Aguinaldo, he asserted that such community engagement will be more fruitful once the students return to campus. However, community organizers have already gained achievements with the community amidst remote learning in UP. Geoff also promised to amplify calls against the UP budget cut.

Kas:Two candidates are vying for the position of Kasaysayan rep. 

On one hand, Risven Allen Dela Paz, from Abante KAPP, proposed three main projects. First, “Kasiyahan sa Kas,” a social event to be held every end of the semester wherein students can watch historical documentaries together and play; “Kasvac,” a “kumustahan” or open forum between students and professors to tackle social issues in the country, and consolidate & address grievances and salient campaigns; and lastly, “Historia: Isang pagbabalik-tanaw sa Nakaraan,” a historical convention to fight historical distortion.

On the other hand, independent Ramcel Hannah Rogel offered two general plans of action. First, she would establish connections within the department through various social activities. Second, she would empower history majors by amplifying the relevance of the field.

Philo:Philosophy rep has also one candidate.

Clarissa Guillana Odra from Abante KAPP presented three projects: first, “The Philo Space,” to establish online and offline social spaces among Philosophy FSTs; second, “Philosofocus,” which is a series of synchronous and asynchronous philosophical, educational discussions; and third, “Philo Files,” a department archive and helpdesk.

Moreover, Odra promised to constantly coordinate with the constituents, faculty, college administration, and other formations to address the issues of underloading among Philosophy students and the lack of face-to-face philosophy classes.

Polsci:Two candidates from SangKAPP slate are trying to secure the two Political Science rep positions.

Queen Noreen Christine Ancheta and Maiddyleen Nicole Gopez presented six projects. For consolidation efforts, they offer official online communication platforms, online cumulative activities, and oral debate workshops, among others. For student welfare, they offer disposition checks, and a directory for mental health services, among others. For academics, they offer a list of online resources, training, an online library, and an academic grievances form.

Psych:Two candidates from SangKAPP slate are trying to secure the two Psychology rep positions

Daniel Demegillo and Lady Zaynab Limba proposed two main visions. For academic support, they will make a “FST College Starter Bundle” that includes guides, a master list of classes, a buddy system, and a helpdesk. For the integration of FSTs into the department, they said that they will organize social events, evaluation forms for mental health services needs, and a Discord server to bond with upperclassmen.

Moreover, they said that they would take part in lobbying for the institutionalization of the underfunded and understaffed UP Psychosocial Services (UP PsycServ), a special project under the Office of the Chancellor that offers mental health services..

During the remote learning semesters, numerous concerns have been raised regarding the long lines just to access mental health assistance through the said platform. Student organizations have lobbied for the institutionalization of PsycServ for it to acquire a higher budget and staff.

During the 53rd General Assembly of Student Councils (GASC) held last August, the UPD CSSP SC, UPV SoTechSC, and the UPM DSC crafted a resolution campaigning for better mental health services in the university, alongside continued academic ease policies. 

READ: http://bitly.ws/uYJG  

Socio:Eugene Claire Belen Espino from Abante KAPP is the lone Sociology rep candidate.

She suggested three projects: first, a communication channel between sociology FSTs and the faculty; second, department consolidation to establish safer spaces for gender identity and mental and physical health; and third, roundtable discussion concerning social issues.

Espino also ensured strengthening Sociosphere, the core group of the department, that is experiencing low volunteer turnout by making the group more interactive and welcoming.

As of press time, no candidate has filed to be the next Linguistics representative.

Committee officers push for more FST engagement

Two Abante KAPP slate members, two SangKAPP slate members, and one independent candidate are running for various committee officer positions in the CSSP FSTC.

Publicity Officer:Abante KAPP’s Maria Bianca Dagle, a Philosophy student, is running for the position of publicity officer. 

Her proposed projects are “Powerpuff Butter-KAPP,” to raise social media engagement for better dissemination of information; “KAPPa Kanlungan,” a virtual helpdesk and wellness checks; “A-KAPP, Mga Iskolar ng Bayan,” to welcome the FSTs, including directories and publications on FAQs; and “Tara, KAPP-e,” an introductory webinar and program for FSTs.

Dagle also committed to amplifying the call against red-tagging. During the pandemic, eight cases of red-tagging and red-baiting against CSSP student organizations, including SINAG, have been recorded.

Finance Officer:Independent Princess Gwen Gonowon, also a Philosophy student, is running for the position of finance officer.

Her proposed projects are “D’KAPP Sheets,” for budget transparency; “Aym KAPP Bonding,” with a series of events with an income-generating project. Proceeds will be donated to a  chosen beneficiary; and “You’ve Reached KAPP,” which is a fundraising campaign for students, UP vendors, UP communities, and other beneficiaries. 

ETP Officer:SangKAPP’s Von Eiron Mickhell Makainag, a Political Science major, is running for the position of education, training, and popular struggles (ETP) officer. 

His proposed projects are: “KAPPitbahayan,” a matrix containing the information about study spots in the campus and dormitories; “FSTs, Ano Ang Latest,” a discourse with the administration on ligtas na balik eskwela; “TL;DR,” a more concise, precise, and earlier-to-consume statements; “KAPPbataan, Pag-asa ng Bayan,” a series of discussions on social issues; and “KAPPuso, KAPPatid, KAPPamilya,” for partnerships with other formations.

External Affairs Officer:Abante KAPP’s Jeulyanna Simoune Ferrer, from philosophy, is running for the position of external affairs officer. 

Her three proposed projects are: “Kilalanin KAPP,” for communication and educational campaigns; “Kumusta KAPP,” for student welfare, particularly, helpdesk, and disposition check, among others; and “Kilos KAPP,” for partnership with other formations to amplify nationwide advocacies.

Internal Affairs Officer:SangKAPP’s Joanna Mariff Bacud, a Political Science major, is running for the position of internal affairs officer. 

Her three platforms are: “KAPPanalig,” for student welfare; “ISKOmunidad,” for communication among FSTs; and “Eduk-AKSYON,” for educational campaigns. As the prospective internal affairs officer, Bacud promises that she will represent the linguistics majors, given that there is no Linguistics rep yet, in the council.

Standard bearers stand to fight for CSSP interests

Two members each of the AbanteKAPP and SangKAPP slate are vying for the three standard bearer positions of the council—with the vice-chairperson position contested while the chair and CSSP Rep to University Freshie Council (UFC) are not.

CSSP Rep to the UFC:Abante KAPP’s Alyssa Alano, a Political Science major, is the sole candidate for the position of CSSP representative to the University Freshie Council (UFC). 

Her platforms are: “KAPPit sa Masa,” to bridge the council with other formations within the university; “CSSpeaks,” to consult with the constituents regarding their perspectives and concerns; and “Klear KAPP,” to streamline the information from the UFC to the CSSO FSTs.

Vice chair:There are two contenders from both slates for the position of vice chairperson.

SangKAPP’s Kenli Rey Diaz,  also a Political Science major, proposes a political literacy program; “The More You Know” program, which would regularly publish informative materials on current issues; a mental health assistance (MHA) program, which includes volunteer MHA group leaders and buddies, as well as psychiatric assistance for more serious issues; a media literacy and historical literacy program, which comprises of weekly or monthly webinars; and other social awareness, volunteerism, and activism activities.

Meanwhile, Abante KAPP’S Erin Angela Patawaran, a sociology student, proposes “KAliPPunan,” a consolidation of student concerns and suggestions for genuine ligtas na balik eskwela; “4KAPP,” a series of educational campaigns on social issues; “Okay KAPPa Ba,” which is a management of concerns on student’s rights and welfare (STRAW).

Chair:Lastly, the sole candidate for the position of chairperson is SangKAPP’s Yzekiel Venn Rivera, a Political Science student. 

Rivera’s proposed programs are: “KAPPatiran,” for communicating to and integrating the FSTs; “KAPPakanan,” for STRAW-related issues and student welfare; and “KAPPulungan,” for the well-being of the council, including a welfare policy, an agreed parliamentary procedure policy, and the council’s own UP mail, and “KAPPiling,” to highlight CSSP student organizations.

A united call for a genuine ligtas na balik eskwela

In the open forum, numerous candidates conveyed their views on the transition towards 100% face-to-face classes in next semester, as earlier announced by the University administration.

READ: http://bitly.ws/uZcJ 

Although all agreed on the need for full face-to-face classes, the candidates raised their grievances on the involvement of the student body in the planning process.

Many criticized the seemingly “substantial” transition towards blended learning this semester due to late announcements, lack of class slots, and lack of housing units. This is further aggravated by the current economic and health crisis and the impending P2.5-billion proposed budget cut,  aside from the P22.3 billion budget deficit, in UP and Philippine General Hospital.

The candidates, although hopeful, fear that the University would replicate its mistakes in policies regarding academic modes of learning in the past semesters in the next semester. However, other candidates have still emphasized the need to collectively intensify the campaign against budget slashes and for a more inclusive policy on the return to campus.


Featured image courtesy of UPD CSSP FST Council Facebook page

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