CSSP students intensify demands for genuine recovery break and #MoveTheSemUP

League of Filipino Students-CSSP (LFS-CSSP), together with the whole CSSP community, held an online protest tonight, January 28, urging the UP administration to move the second semester due to the constituency’s need for a genuine recovery break, following the aftermath of Typhoon Odette, COVID-19 surge, and the stress brought about by the first semester and finals weeks.

CSSP SC Chair Neo Aison presented the demands forwarded to the CSSP administration three days ago yet left without a reply.

The CSSP Community Manifesto on Academic Ease reiterated by Aison contained five demands:

First, give enough time for a genuine academic break.

Second, implement policies concerning a genuine academic break, including the no-fail policy.

Third, adjust the start of the second semester to give ample time for the students, faculty, and staff to recover from the previous semester and prepare for the next semester.

Fourth, stand for #LigtasNaBalikEskwela as a college.

And lastly, demand justice against the Duterte regime due to its failed response to the Covid-19 pandemic and its negligence of the education sector.

Other CSSP formations also amplified the call, citing particular experiences and struggles of the student body, and the masses, at large. 

Geography Department Representative Carlo Felipe shared that six Geography students were directly hit by Typhoon Odette yet accomplishing their  requirements remains their priority. Many students and professors are also infected with Covid-19; whereas several students consider taking a Leave of Absence (LOA) for the next semester and opting for INCs.

Marco Bajana from the Junior Philippine Geographical Society (JPGS) reiterates that fieldwork and laboratory classes are necessary for Geography students and other CSSP students. Bajana highlights their specialization as community-based, hence calling for the support of the administration. 

Remote learning shifted the conduct of fieldwork, laboratory, and methods classes online. Students feel this is not enough. 

Thirdy Romo from the Psychology Departed shared the irony of being a Psychology student yet the lack of mental health well-being. He highlighted that many students, professors, and staff are experiencing loss due to the pandemic and the recent typhoon but are forced to work leaving them no time to recover.

He promoted #LigtasNaBalikEskwela as the long-term solution to emotional, mental, and learning issues.

Dex Clemente from the Apeiron Core Group, the official student volunteer arm of the Philosophy Department, shared that three Philosophy students are affected by Typhoon Odette while ten students were infected with Covid-19. 

He also exposed that many professors did not extend deadlines despite the extension of submission of grades. 

He further slammed the Duterte administration for its criminal negligence in resolving the health and economic crises that hinder the safe return to schools. He furthered that education should not be “colonial, commercialized, and anti-democratic.”

LC Mendoza from SALiGAN sa CSSP expounded on the CSSP campaign as a fight together with the whole UP community. Mendoza noted that the suspension of synchronous and asynchronous activities does not guarantee a genuine academic break.

He condemned the UP administration’s lack of support and compassion for its constituency after the recent message of UPD Chancellor Nemenzo

He also reminded the UP community to defeat the Marcos-Duterte coalition in the coming 2022 Elections.

Lastly, Pao Rico from LFS-CSSP noted that all these problems started with the implementation of remote learning due to the incompetency and criminal negligence of the Duterte regime in its pandemic response.

Rico asserted that the protest is not merely to call for a recovery break but also for clamoring for #LigtasNaBalikEskwela and the campaign to #MoveTheSemUP. She adds that students should aim to return to the streets to frustrate the electoral bid of Duterte-Marcos.

The online protest ended with the student representatives holding placards stating the “unhonorable” condition of the students from the previous semester. Some were recovering from COVID-19 and other illnesses, grieving a loss, and struggling with academic life.

A social media rally was consequently conducted at 8PM to further assert the demands of the UP community.




Featured image courtesy of SINAG

Colmenares, Labog, dapat daw isama sa 1SAMBAYAN slate pa-senado

Makabayan, pormal na inendorso ang tambalang Leni-Kiko

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