“It is our duty to remind the Filipino people of the unvarnished truth”

The UP Department of Political Science reiterated that urgency to remain vigilant against new forms of authoritarianism that attack Philippine democracy in the present time, as they emphasized the role of the Filipino people amid the 50th year since the declaration of Martial Law.

Philippine Constitutional democracy was deeply undermined during the “darkest period” in the history of the Philippines. Congress was shut down, writ of habeas corpus was suspended, military powers were maximized to arrest those who may appear subversive or anti-government, and independent media was rendered non-existent. 

The result of this dark chapter is evident in the 11,103 legitimate cases of human rights abuses, with 6,672 people arrested, 444 individuals forcibly disappeared, a total of 1,365 victims of extrajudicial killings or salvaging, and 968 people massacred. 

Highlighting the erosion of Philippine democracy since 2016, the department also emphasized the role played by Duterte in dismantling civil rights and political freedoms during his regime. Their alliance enabled the electorally fraudulent  victory of Marcos Jr. and Sara Duterte. 

“As we remember the atrocities of martial law, we also need to recognize that democracies weaken through much subtler methods. Without needing to impose martial law, the government can simply continue to weaken democratic constraints like his predecessor,” stated the department. 

New forms of violence through social media, such as disinformation and attacks on the right to expression, further entrench Philippine democracy into a worsened crisis. To this, the department reminded: 

“Democracy is always a work in progress yet our collective memory must be founded on truth so that we can bear setbacks along the way.” 

The faculty members of the department also celebrated the university, institutions keeping records of the martial law atrocities, the filmmakers, writers, artists, digital archivists, and the rest of the society who continue to remind and teach about the barbarities during such a dark chapter. 

Furthermore, the department also called on the Philippine government to respect and address the proven history of the Martial Law and to continue the construction of the Martial Law museum on the UP Diliman Campus. 

As pillars of political science in the country, the department joins the calls and remains committed to defending our democratic institutions, collective memory, and social justice. 

We will always remember. We will never forget.

Featured image courtesy of UP Department of Political Science

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