Scientific solutions will defeat COVID-19; fear and violence won’t.

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Today marks the start of the two-week Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) induced by the rapid spread of the COVID-19 Delta variant. While implementing quarantine measures serves as one of the effective means to curb the spread of the virus, it does not serve the masses when their conditions are not given consideration by a ruthless, imperious and insensitive government.

While the ECQ may give hospitals and health workers much-needed breathing room, its purpose is defeated by the government’s unscientific approach in controlling the virus’ spread.

With the undeniable reality of poverty in the country, the government has yet again chosen action that favors the privileged. Malnutrition and starvation have already been rampant among the poor, yet they have been met with failed leadership. Burdened with such reality, the government only devised discriminatory and biologically unethical actions.

Having seen the aftermath of ECQ in the past, such a course of action proves to be biologically unethical by violating the principles of nonmaleficence and justice. By nonmaleficence, biological interventions must not unnecessarily impose additional burden on the subject of treatment. Having seen the starvation and deprivation faced by many in past implementations of ECQ, the government should have worked to provide a better solution that will not starve the poor again. 

One does not need to be a biologist to discern that people need means and sustenance to survive and remain healthy, and much more so with the pandemic. It has been common sentiment among the poor that it is not the virus that will kill them but hunger. After all, the 1000 to 4000-peso one-time ayuda per family is insufficient, and only serves as another testament to the infeasibility of another ECQ. The government has once more breached justice, that biological interventions must not be discriminatory, and must be beneficial regardless of status or standing. 

The government’s militaristic response is ridiculous because the virus cannot be eradicated by military force. There is no added value in prolonged curfew hours if the government is negligent in other areas, e.g. contact tracing. There is no scientific value added by the assignment of czars, instead of scientific specialists, in taking charge of the situation. It only fosters fear and terror as intensified militarization is viewed as the favored “cure” for the virus. It takes scientific understanding and approach to effectively forward solutions that are biologically sound and ethical.

This only proves the government’s lack of support for the sciences and misuse for such. Another example that can be conveniently pointed out: the dolomite sand dumped in Manila Bay wherein the long-term ecological implications are not thoroughly assessed. In the same vein, the government’s budget can only be used wisely if it were to be allotted with a scientific approach. The government’s budget can only be used for improving contact tracing instruments and methods, and increasing the health system’s capacity and competence if the government has political will in accomplishing such.

This only extends further the line of government negligence that can be traced back to the onset of the pandemic. It should not be forgotten that it has been the government’s action to delay immediate response. It should be noted that the President’s favored means of “solution” is violence by ordering to shoot quarantine violators dead, instead of utilizing a scientific and ethical paradigm.

Just as the President’s leadership is weak, bloody, and failed, the ECQ further exposes the government’s lackluster pandemic response. Implementing lockdowns alone is not enough, but it can be a useful instrument if there is the necessary infrastructure to make it feasible. There must be an existing effective contact tracing system for the ECQ to be effective. After all, the significant decrease in people’s mobility could provide contact tracers valuable time in tracking the virus, much more now that the Delta variant is spreading.

ECQ alone will not suffice, especially since more and more people are burdened with unemployment, poverty, and starvation. The one-time financial aid is also not enough to sustain the poor and the government should reconsider investing in health care instead of funneling funds towards the NTF-ELCAC.

ECQ alone is also not enough if vaccination efforts are not boosted or are grounded in the wrong principle. It can be labelled ridiculous that there are certain areas that banned non-vaccinated people from leaving their houses. While it is true that it is safer to be vaccinated, the government should encourage people through scientific education and not through fear or terror as it has always been, which until now, rendered themselves ineffective.

Fear, terror, and violence should not define how we respond to the pandemic. People are living organisms, and their needs must be met. The Duterte administration should let go of strategies driven by guns in favor of solutions driven by science.

Featured image courtesy of Rappler.

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