Sumkad! Rise, resist, defend!

Trinidad, a former UPB USC Chairperson, asserts that a student regent should challenge the “slipshod” priorities and negligence of the state that have led to the burdens of the Filipinos. Citing the relentless attacks against activists in the Cordillera, she says the student regent should also be steadfast and uncompromising, unyielding to the intimidation of fascist attacks and must “rise, resist, and defend,” embodying the true essence of the word “Sumkad.”

Trinidad’s vision for her role as the Student Regent revolves around “Sumkad” as well. She says that as the student body’s representative, she will “rise, resist, and defend” for free, quality, and accessible education, for democratic rights and welfare, against state fascism and other attacks, and for a free and liberating University of the Philippines that truly serves the people. 

She proposes actively forwarding a nationalist, scientific, and mass-oriented education and opposing anti-student policies that help foreigners and big businesses at the expense of the studentry. She also says that she wants to fight for sufficient budget allocations and address delays in scholarships such as the Student Learning Assistance System.

For democratic rights and welfare, she aims to strengthen the alliance between the student body and BOR and form communication with other sectoral regents to effectively tackle the issues and concerns of the University student body. She also wants to strengthen student institutions, ensure genuine student representation, and fight for literal and safe spaces for all students.

In response to relentless state attacks, Trinidad proposes the revival of the system-wide multi-sectoral alliance UP Rises Against Tyranny and Dictatorship, and strengthening ties with organizations of the same cause, as a means to consolidate and amplify the calls of anti-fascist organizations. Along with this, she also vows to continue the call for the UP DND Accord’s reinstatement against campus militarization attacks. 

Trinidad also vows to continue the campaign to expose and oppose the Marcos-Duterte regime, ensure that UP continues to be a refuge for its citizens, and remain steadfast in arousing, organizing, and mobilizing the UP system’s more than 50,000 students.


Pangiyak ki! Paragas ki!

Nothing new in neoliberalism

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