The Inside and Out: UP POLSCi Grand Applicants’ Orientation

Who’s your friend who likes to… Lead, Serve, Excel, and breathe Politics? 


Amidst this time of unrest and uncertainty, we may all go through a wide array of emotions such as sadness, fear, anger, and many more. As we prepare to face another academic year in front of our screens, we are also constantly reminded of the genuine social interactions we crave for. This is why student organizations play a big role in helping us get through these tough times together. We get to find a group of people we can connect with as we recognize how each emotion can give a positive impact. For instance, anger can move us to collective action in order to battle the injustices we experience. Sadness, although mostly seen as a sign of inaction, can unite people in response to loss. Most of all, we get to power through the upcoming challenges of college life, and the society as a whole. 

With this, all BA Political Science majors will now have a chance to know more about one particular organization in the Political Science department—  UP Political Society,  which stands as UP’s youngest and largest socio-civic organization. You can discover more about the ins and outs of UP POLSCi by attending their applicants’ orientation with the theme, “The Inside and Out: UP POLSCi Grand Applicants’ Orientation.”  

Like the little girl Riley from the movie Inside Out, you may also be going through certain changes in your UP life, such as adjusting to a new environment, conversing with new classmates, or just trying to figure out how the CRS works. Through this event, UP Political Society wishes to embrace you with open arms as you go on with this journey. They will walk you through their very own Headquarters, allow you to make new Core Memories, and sail through their different Islands of Personality. They will create a safe space that will let you feel all the important aspects of being human – joy, sadness, anger, disgust, and fear. In UP POLSCi, you are allowed to be your most genuine self and most of all, find solace and hope in each other’s individual experiences.

The Grand Applicants’ Orientation will be held this coming September 16, 2021, from 5:00 to 7:00 PM, via Zoom. You may register directly through this link:

Featured image courtesy of UP POLSCi

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