Where we’re headed: UP MHM unpacks the mental health situation in Philippine society

As the month-long celebration of the annual UP Mental Health month concludes, UP MHM 2021 will work to continuously raise awareness on the current mental health situation in our society. 

UP MHM 2021 has conducted several awareness- and action-focused campaigns and programs in adherence to this year’s theme, Rooted.In the past month, organizers have forwarded opportunities to learn more on how to better contribute in breaking the stigma on mental health. 

For its final installment, UP MHM 2021 will focus on the mental health situation in Philippine society. Entitled “Gaano Kalayo na ang Narating?”, the roundtable discussion will look into the progress of the Mental Health law in the country, featuring important perspectives from various fields. 

The forum will touch on particular provisions in the Republic Act (RA) no. 11036, which seeks to “affirm the basic right of all Filipinos to mental health as well as the fundamental rights of people who require mental health services.” Despite being enacted way back in 2018, mental health services, facilities, and awareness in the country remain meager. 

Allocation of funds for the provision of mental health services stand at only 3-5% in the total budget of the Department of Health (DOH). Additionally, reports show only 2-3 mental health workers attend to every 100,000 patients in the country. 

Alongside the roundtable discussion, a publicity material on the anatomy of a good public servant based on Sikolohiyang Pilipino will be released. “#Halalan2022: Anatomiya ng Karapat-dapat Iboto” will guide voters on how to best judge candidates aiming to earn their vote. 

To provide a recap of the past month-long celebration, UP MHM 2021 will formally close the event with a culminating video. This will feature all projects conducted for the month of October, as a means to “further establish the campaign’s advocacy and expand knowledge on mental health.” 
For further updates, visit UP Mental Health Month’s Facebook page. UP MHM 2021 is organized by the University Student Council (USC), UP Bukluran sa Sikolohiyang Pilipino (UP Buklod-Isip), UP Psychology Society (UP PsychSoc), UP Psychological Understanding for Growth and Distinction Society (UP PUGAD Sayk), BUKLOD CSSP, and COPE UP.

Featured image courtesy of UP Mental Health Month

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